
To Hell and Back

This podcast series, “To Hell and Back,” is focused on the nature of hellish experiences in life, how people get into them, and to present and discuss tools for coping with hell and getting out. The various podcasts will move back and forth between different varieties of hell in life, and different tools for coping. The tools will be drawn from dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), from other treatments, and from other life experiences.

Podcast Hosts

Charlie Swenson

Nicole Helen

#105: Skillful Grieving, Making Meaning from Suffering, and a Dinosaur

In this second of our two-episode conversation with Natalia Garcia about her grieving process over the years since the death of her two-year-old son, we focus in on her altered relationship to time, rituals, and anniversaries; her remarkable use of DBT skills and dialectics to navigate the grieving process; the ways that she has made meaning out of her suffering; and a dinosaur, a gift from a fellow griever.

#104: Who IS that Woman?!

Since Nicole joined Charlie as co-host, several long-time listeners have asked Charlie, Who IS that woman?! It’s actually a great question and the answer is far from simple. In this podcast, Charlie and Nicole explore their own self-narratives and expand into a larger conversation about how we all see ourselves, how we define ourselves, how we represent ourselves, how we are seen by others, and how that affects us.

#103: In Her Own Words – Natalia Garcia on Coping with Loss and Trauma with Opposite Action and an Approach Lifestyle

In 2018, Natalia Garcia spoke with me over three podcast episodes about how she was dealing with the catastrophic and traumatic death of her two year old son eight months earlier. He died in the middle of the night for unexplained reasons. In three podcasts she spoke at length of her life, of the death itself, and then the road to recovery. In this week’s podcast, we reprise selected excerpts from those podcasts, capturing her words and her wisdom that grew out of this terrible loss. She inspires.

#102: Long Grieving, Complicated Joy, and Flowers That Grow Around a Hole in the Heart

In June of 2018, eight months following the death of her two-year-old son to the Syndrome of Unexplained Death of a Child (SUDC), Natalia Garcia joined this podcast for three episodes to describe the catastrophic loss and the ensuing grief process marked by her courage and skill in facing her vulnerabilities. Now, five years since the loss, she returns to the podcast to talk about the longer arc of the process of grieving her son and things that have happened since then. As before, this is a moving and inspiring story of courage that deals with a panoply of issues faced in any longer-term grief process.

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