I focus on the nature of judging and judgments, what it is that makes a judgment into a judgmental statement, what are the problems with being judgmental, and how do we become non-judgmental.
When I was younger, I was so unsure of my identity, I could not make any judgements. I had no opinion. Now I am very senditive to judgement toward others. I feel it on a visceral level if I make a judgemental comment. Then I start thinking of all the reason said person my be behaving as they do. What are their needs. What happened when they tried to get their needs met in the past. What is their living situation, their family. What are they looking for. What are their expectations ands what has contributed to their expectations. They may think they are doing something perfectly reasonable according to what they’ve been told or based on their past experiences. We need to understand and get to know them rather than pass a quick judgement. As for about myself–judgements come easy.
When I was younger, I was so unsure of my identity, I could not make any judgements. I had no opinion. Now I am very senditive to judgement toward others. I feel it on a visceral level if I make a judgemental comment. Then I start thinking of all the reason said person my be behaving as they do. What are their needs. What happened when they tried to get their needs met in the past. What is their living situation, their family. What are they looking for. What are their expectations ands what has contributed to their expectations. They may think they are doing something perfectly reasonable according to what they’ve been told or based on their past experiences. We need to understand and get to know them rather than pass a quick judgement. As for about myself–judgements come easy.